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District News - Letter to Parents Regarding Snow Days

November 2023


Dear Parents/Guardians:

One of the most difficult decisions that a Superintendent makes is the decision to close schools due to inclement weather.  This decision-making process begins well in advance of any potential closing, and a number of steps are taken so that I am able to make the most informed decision on whether or not to close school.  This includes monitoring the weather on the day and night before a decision is made and giving careful attention to any weather alert from the National Weather Service.

During the early hours of the morning, usually around 3:00 a.m., our Chief Operations Officer gathers and analyzes the most recent weather data along with the most recent forecasts from the weather services.  We also consult with the bus company, the Utica Police Department and the Department of Public Works to gather information on road conditions.  We go out and travel the streets in order to observe the conditions first hand.  Based on this information; I make a decision to keep the schools open or to close them due to inclement weather. This decision is usually made between 5:00 to 5:30 am. in order to give our 7,000 bus students and 3,000 walkers; along with our parents and staff, timely notification of any school closing.  All local TV and radio stations are then notified of any school closure; usually between 5:15 to 5:30 a.m.  While we receive information from other school districts, ultimately our decision is about the safety and well-being of our students which is directly impacted by our community’s ability to safely and quickly clean the streets, sidewalks and parking lots.

I want you to know that “saving snow days” is never a consideration when making the decision to close schools or to keep them open.  In order to make sure that we are adequately prepared for the possibility of inclement weather, we built five (5) snow days into our school district calendar. Students are scheduled to attend school the same number of days each year regardless of the number of days that school is closed due to inclement weather.  Therefore, if additional snow days are used beyond the five (5) that are built into the calendar; student attendance days are added to the calendar in the spring.  On the other hand, if the school district does not use all of its inclement weather days, students may not have to report to school on certain days during the spring.  This information is clearly explained on the last page of the school district calendar that was mailed home to all parents before the opening of school.

In addition, we encourage all parents to have an emergency plan for their children in case the school district schedules a two-hour delay or an early dismissal due to inclement weather.  While we hesitate to use early dismissals because we know that many students may not have someone at home, it is important that you have an emergency plan in place for your child in the event that an extreme emergency results in our schools closing early.

Finally, it has been the practice of the school districts in the Mohawk Valley not to close on days in which the roads are passable but there is extreme cold.  If there were days in which the temperature was consistently 20-25 degrees below zero with wind chill, we would certainly consider closing due to our number of walkers; but ultimately students need to be dressed appropriately and prepared for these conditions.

As the Acting Superintendent of Schools, I want you to know that your child’s safety is of our utmost concern and the school district would never knowingly make a decision that would place your child in danger.  Ultimately, you as a parent will know your child best; as well as the conditions in your own neighborhood.  This will enable you to adequately prepare your child for such weather conditions, or make the personal decision to keep your child home.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, you can call me at 792-2222 or email me at kdavis@uticaschools.org.


Dr. Kathleen Davis
Acting Superintendent of Schools
Utica City School District




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