Career & Technical

CTE: Career & Technical Education

Groundbreaking Ceremony: May 22, 2024

Utica City School District held a ceremony on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, to commemorate the groundbreaking of the Career and Technical Education addition at Proctor High School. The Utica Board of Education, administration, teachers, and staff from the district were joined by local dignitaries, higher education, and partners from the state education department to celebrate this monumental event.

The new CTE addition is scheduled to open in the fall of 2025. The District will follow a phased-in approach that will begin with freshmen students and scaffold each year until the building is at full capacity over the course of four years by 2029. The goal of creating four-year CTE programming is to engage students in authentic learning that correlates to their future career plans at a younger age while also preparing them for internship experience that will conclude their senior year.

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Michelle Hall

Director of CTE