
Mission & Vision Statement, Technology Goals:

The Utica City School District has been a leading school district for many years in the area of technology and the use of online services. We are fulfilling our envisioned environment is which the adoption and use of 21st Century technologies will serve as tools to achieve our mission. Technology is an essential tool to create a diverse enriched learning experience for all students.

The Utica City School District’s Technology Goals are defined in four major categories: Teaching and Learning, Communications, Administration and Operations. Access to technology is provided to all staff and students and is governed by the Computer and Internet Use Policies and Internet Safety Policy.

We take serious precautions in protecting students. Some of the systems we use in accomplishing this task are:

These policies and systems we use and implement, allow access to an enriched technological environment with provisions for appropriate use and student safety in mind.

2022-2025 Utica City School District
NYSED Instructional Technology Plan


Michael Ferraro
Director Of Facilities, Planning & Development
(315) 792-2231
(315) 792-2260 [fax]

Dylan Obernesser
Technology Leader 
(315) 792-2231

Tiffany Service
Secretary to Chief Operations Officer
(315) 792-2231