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Contract for Excellence 2023-2024

What is Contracts for Excellence (C4E)?

The Contracts for Excellence program was established in 2007-08 school year as an accountability measure for school districts with at least one academically underperforming school and whose Foundation Aid growth was set to exceed certain thresholds.

The “contract amount” is a subset of Foundation Aid that a district must program toward specific uses as described in NYS Education Law §211-d. Contract funds must predominantly benefit pupils with the greatest educational needs, including but not limited to:

  • Economically disadvantaged students
  • Students with disabilities
  • English-language learners
  • Students struggling with proficiency

What sort of expenditures comply with program requirements?

The law specifies six categories of allowable programs and activities:

  • Class size reduction
  • Increased time on task
  • Teacher and principal quality initiatives
  • Middle and high school restructuring
  • Full-day pre-kindergarten and kindergarten
  • Model programs for English language learners

What is my District’s 2023-24 Contract Amount?

The full phase-in of Foundation Aid increases the contract amounts significantly for 2023-24. In consideration of the challenges districts may face in planning and programming the increased set-aside amounts in a single year, the Commissioner of Education has authorized a three-year contract increase phase-in: 20% in 2023-24, and 40% in both 2024-25 and 2025-26.

For more information, please consult the PDF files below: