CTE: Law Day 2024

CTE: Law Day
Guest Speakers:
Michael Arcuri, Stephanie DiGiorgio

Business Law students from the CTE Department, Government students from the Social Studies Department, and the Mock Trial Team gathered in the Proctor’s Auditorium for presentations on May 1st for Law Day. Students learned the history of Law Day and why we recognize it, why laws are important in our society, why it is important to vote (students were given voter registration forms), and the career path to becoming a lawyer.

Mr. Arcuri also spoke about his experiences as Oneida County District Attorney and a member of the U.S. House of representatives. Many students enjoyed hearing about his basketball game against President Obama!

Ms. Stephanie DiGiorgio presented in the afternoon and gave her perspective on recently passing the Bar Exam, starting her career, and the impact of the pandemic on her and others in that time frame.

Both discussed the proposed Equal Rights Amendment for the New York State Constitution.