Albany Bottle Drive - Message from Mrs. Young to the Community

Throughout the past seven years of my teaching career, I have made it my mission to teach my kids all about kindness and inclusion. How academics are important and parties are fun, but how the true meaning of being in this world is to fill it with kindness and inclusion, no matter what. How a small amount of kindness and inclusion can change someone’s world in just seconds.

On Friday, I spent some of the day learning (thanks to a wonderful parent!!) about and then teaching the kids about Ramadan. Many unfamiliar with this holiday and the cultures that celebrate it. The kids were so interested, especially when connections were made to the kids who are in our classroom.

During this time we all learned that the month of Ramadan is spent fulfilling good deeds, along with other great things. I thought what better way to teach the kids about kindness and inclusion than to get them involved with a good deed involving a charity.

After brainstorming, the Kindergarten class has decided to collect bottles and then turn the money into a charity. The charity that the kids have decided on is Anita's Stevens Swan Humane Society.

Bottles will be collected until the end of Ramadan! So please if you have any bottles and would like to fulfill a Kindergarten mission, let me know!

Raiders, always